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Looking for MILSIM dudes who wanna play on a modded server

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I'm Joe. Without getting into too many specifics, I have a few hundred hours on ready or not, I play with some basic mods (Cosmetic, Difficulty and weapons). After trying my hardest to enjoy this game (and I really do) I have realized that I am going to have to play multiplayer in order to really scratch that tactical itch I have been searching for. So hopefully I have come to the right place! I am just so over playing multiplayer where dudes on want to play vanilla and just scatter in all directions and have ZERO communication. I have a military background; on a public forum I am not trying to get into my details, but I am willing to teach CQB and other tactics as well as learn what some other dudes have to offer. 


So please if you are interested let me know! 



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