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is it possible to make Alien race mod?


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no one will probably see this post but i liked the idea playing as an alien from mothership zeta, but it's probably complicated to make since because of their anatomy, but if you know any mods like that pls give me the link

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I don't know the exact ins and outs of it, but I'm aware of workarounds that were used in the early days to achieve something like this. These methods circumvented animation issues by creating an alien "costume" of sorts for the player character.

The process involved overlaying alien features onto the existing character model, effectively disguising the player as an alien without requiring entirely new animations or character models. This technique allowed for visual variety without the need for extensive new programming or animation work.

However, I'm not well-versed in what would be required to turn this into a fully playable race with unique characteristics and abilities. That would likely involve more complex game development processes beyond simple visual modifications.

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