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How do I detect the Auto Vanity Mode (Screensaver) in Fallout New Vegas with an if statement.

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I am working on a mod that needs to track the time you are wearing a piece of armor in the game for a quest I am making.

I don't want someone to be able to put the controller down and just wait out the time by letting the screensaver Auto Vanity Mode play out.

I know the Vanity mode is controlled by a game setting variable called 'fVanityModeAutoDelay'.

Is there a way to detect when this has started so I can add it to my if statements checking if the player is still wearing the armor after a few seconds.

I'm currently checking about every 15 secs in a script.

A simplified version of the script is :


scn PATimerScript

float fPATimer
int iElapsedPATime
int iElapsedBonusRank ; don't want the actions to spam while the timer evaluates true

Begin Gamemode
    if eval (fPATimer > 0)
            let fPATimer := fPATimer - GetSecondsPassed
            let fPATimer := 15
            ; Count the time the player is wearing a full suit of power armor
            if eval (player.getEquipped PASTPowerArmorBody) && (player.getEquipped PASTPowerArmorHelmet)
                let iElapsedPATime := iElapsedPATime+1
    ; can hand out various rewards like a challenge being completed
    ; for how much time you spend in a full suit of power armor
    if eval (iElapsedPATime >= 100) && (iElapsedBonusRank == 0)
    let iElapsedBonusRank := 1
        player.rewardxp 100
        ; set some challege perk for wearing power armor so much
    elseif eval (iElapsedPATime >= 200) && (iElapsedBonusRank == 1)
    let iElapsedBonusRank := 2
        player.rewardxp 100
        ; set some challenge perk for wearing power armor so much

Thanks in advance for any help

PS if this code can help you go right ahead and use it.

Edited by JaguraSW77
my code was slightly faulty, had to add a limiter on the actions
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