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Where to make a request?

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Where can I make a request on nexus? I have a mod that includes a hair. I would prefer if it actually  had texture instead of looking like it is "cell shaded".  I am a beginner when it comes to editing dds files. I have gimp and paint.net. I have just watched a few tutorials so far. This left me with the questions of 1. Add texture to existing dds or 2. Retexture the nif. I would be an absolute newbie at that.


The hair in question comes from a Miku mod originally ported to skyrim  now fo4.


Thanks in advance for reading and any help.

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You're at the place to make a request, wether or not people respond is its own problem, you could also try discord servers. If you really wanna try it yourself ill give you some simple steps.


  • Option 1: Add texture to the existing DDS

    • Open the hair texture DDS in GIMP or Paint.NET.
    • Use a hair texture overlay (find free textures online).
    • Adjust the opacity and blend mode (try Multiply or Overlay).
    • Save the file as BC7 
  • Option 2: Edit the NIF model (Advanced)

    • You'd need NifSkope to tweak shading.
    • Editing normal maps can help reduce the "cell-shaded" effect.
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