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No female hands in Oblivion after uninstalling HGEC Core on Wrye Bash please help

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I was trying to get rid of the neck seams you get from OCO and HGEC and found Seamless - HGEC Female, but it didn't quite work for me so I uninstalled it and got back to using the default HGEC, when I opened the game again my female characters had no hands at all, this is only fixable by installing Seamless - HGEC Female (or by its name in Hrye HGEC CORE) again but I don't wanna use this mod, I found a way better one called Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer for the problem I was having, I'm currently using Wrye Bash, worth mentioning I only realized the hands were missing after I download Luchaire's, I even tried uninstalling some stuff from it but nothing changed so I tried other things and found HGEC core was the problem

I would like to keep Luchaire and the default HGEC while uninstalling HGEG core and keeping my hands basically, it would be the ideal outcome

I couldn't upload the way my hands are ingame due to file size so here is a Imgur link with everything too https://imgur.com/a/kUxp4Kt

hryebash installation.png



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