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Making different body types useable at same time...


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Hello.  I haven't played Oblivion since 2011.  So many new mods.  I am currently going through the current 1,550 pages of mods shown to me (I'm on page 410).  I have noticed way too many different body type mods that are not compatible with other clothes mods.  I am not in any way a modder.  Is there a simple way to make all/most clothes mods work on all/most body types?  In 410 pages, I've gotten sick of seeing so many DMRA/GUTS clothing mods there are.  I do like BBB/animation mods.  I do not, however, like cartoonishly huge breasts that make my immersion fail.  Although I have seen other body types more natural; I have not seen enough matching clothes mods to make that particular body type worth downloading.  

Anyway...  if someone could advise me as to the best "normal" looking body type mod that has enough matching clothes/armor mods to make it worth using, I would truly appreciate it!!

P.S.... I do not mind nude/skimpy/etc type mods.                         Thank You

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