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Alduins Bane bug


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so after getting my skyrim stable im getting the dreaded alduins bane bug and nothing is fixing it. the cutscene where you learn dragonrend runs fine and dragonrend seems to be functioning because he lands but when i bring his health down he just sits there for a bit then regenerates and it never ends iv tried disabling him and enabling him and disabling survival and fast traveling back and forth before the fight starts. nothing seems to fix it here is an old crashlog to give you my mods and plugins https://pastebin.com/u4wPe5vu

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@That1guy1121Did you try verifying your game files?  If you did, here's a long shot - look up the Alduin's Bane quest ID, use SSEEdit and put the quest ID into its search field, and see if anything is overwriting/changing anything in the quest, when you find its entry in the base game.  I had hoped that a few of the modding experts would see and be able to help, I am just guessing here...

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