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Geralt item between feet bug

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I was playing the Blood & Wine expansion (main game completed) and some sort of item (mug?) appeared between Geralts's legs and is now stuck there. Restarting the game doesn't fix it. Removing all equipment and items also doesn't help.

Searching the Steam forums, it seems to happen after Big Feet to Fill quest (statue building quest). Personally I noticed it hours later after completing it, so I can't go to a save game before that quest.

There's also seems to be a same bug happening with other items: See this DuckDuckGo search.

Is it possible to fix this with a mod? I tried Drop Quest Item but it didn't fix it (I don't even seem to have a mug or similar looking item in the inventory). Even if the item could be modded to a smaller, less noticeable item, it would be an improvement.



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the only way is to redo this quest , since this gltich is like from 2016 and no fix yet.

if the glitch keeps happening in this quest , you can solve it by before doing quest console command , set appearance (switch ) to Ciri then after quests ends turn back.

(at least thats what I Read onnline)

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