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Problems with updaters in "redist" folder (DAOU_UpdateAddinsXML_Steam)


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Greetings everyone, 

After a couple of years, it was time to play Dragon Age Origins again. Looked up some new mods, installed the game, ran the 4GB memory patch, clicked on the updaters to get the DLC aaannd... they get stuck. The first time I ran the updater, it asked me for a Steam key and redirected me to a dead website. After that, that message never showed again. The progress bar gets stuck at the same place, every time. Is there a way to fix this?


Dragon Age Origins is my favourite game of all time. I just want to enjoy this great game again.



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Are you using Steam, GOG, EA?  Which version of the game do you have (base only, legendary edition, etc.).

Also - have you tried just running the game without any mods installed?

IME, daupdater.exe sometimes looks like it is still working long after it has completed installation.

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