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Possible to create an outside world (view of Skyrim) LOD/Skybox for Fort Dawnguard/Dayspring Canyon?


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It always struck me, and I never liked, that Dayspring Canyon feels so detached from the world, like a floating realm connected to nothing and nowhere. You can't glimpse anything beyond the edges of it and it feels like there IS nothing beyond the edges of it.  You can't even see distant peaks or the suggestion of surroundings. Even Skuldafn has a sort of generic mountains and stuff background (would that be reusable?) and Solstheim has vague distant land outlines.

So put simply: can that be addressed? Can if be "fixed"? It's been on my mind since Dawnguard came out and I finally got around to asking. We have Dyndolod and all sorts of borderline sorcery these days so maybe now it's possible if ever.

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