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[Mod Request] Advantage System Changes


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Hey, I don't know like anything about how easy or hard BG3's set systems are.  Does anyone know if it would be possible to change how advantage works on dice rolls?  5e's advantage system while simple, is very powerful, and doesn't leave much in the room for experimentation outside of "just get advantage" I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way you could change advantages to instead of a roll 2d20 take higher or lower roll, to a dice add or subtract.  Like lets say you have one disadvantage, like your prone.  Instead of the enemy rolling 2d20 on you and taking higher roll, they roll 1d20+ their modifiers, plus an extra 1d4 or 1d6, and then any other advantages or disadvantages might add another positive or negative 1d4 or 1d6 to their roll.  Is this any type of possible with the modding tools of BG3 or would this change be impossible?  Thank you anyone who takes the time to explain!

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