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Bones in Outfit Studio


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Currently on my quest to learn nif porting I decided to look at the bones for a hairstyle. I eventually noticed a few bones having a parent bone that is not listed. How is that poss8ble? IE: bone C parent is bone B. Bone B's parent is bone A. It is assumed bone A's parent is Head bone. Assumed because  bone A is not in the list of bones for the hair mesh. You can see that bone B is connected to the head bone. It makes no sense when I don't see it's parent bone listed. Does that mean that parent bone is missing or just bone A doesn't have any  part of the mesh weighted to it?


Anyways  thanks in advance

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i'm not sure what exactly you're asking, but fo4 hair has one single skeleton bone. The rest of the bones are Havok Cloth Physics bones. These bones, as far as I know, are not able to survive os. I also have no idea how exactly to create them in 3ds or what their structure is, because there is no manual. People just copy these bones into nifscop from vanilla hair.

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Posted (edited)

I think you are correct and OS is deleting bones from the list for a mesh. I just don't  understand why it does that.  I  only discovered that because of the unweighted vertices warning. For example head  -hair 1 - hair 2- hair end .  Hair 1's parent bone is Head. Hair 2's parent bone is Hair 1. Looking in the bones tab Head, Hair 2, and Hair End are listed in green. Hair 1 is not listed, it is missing from the list even though  it shows up in Hair 2's info as it's parent  bone. Which means I have re add it?


The hair in question is from a SSE mod.

Edited by GoldenDragyn
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OS does not delete anything. OS breaks the work of cloth bones. After export from OS these bones are saved, but do not work. Some information in these bones is lost, or the positioning of x, y, z is broken.In general,  BSClothExtraData.I do not know.


And these are not skeleton bones. They do not necessarily have a common parent bone. They are like bones in a wire, for example. Perhaps they were simply linked to the helper in 3ds and somehow configured in hct.There is a manual on wiki somewhere about copying these bones to nifscope. I came across the manual about 4 years ago. 😁 Or maybe it was 40 years ago, I don't remember... Anyway, it's worth looking for. In any case, we are talking about nifscope and 3ds. OS doesn't work with these bones.

Edited by South8028
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