Flareon17 Posted 6 hours ago Share Posted 6 hours ago These are just weapons i think would be cool but a a "Liitle" bit unrealstic, attacments are up to you for the most part these are most if not all heavy weapons. Some you may have to scale the model down compaired to the real thing would love good sounds animations and models textures dont need to be crazy just look good Krupp 7.7cm L/27 Infanteriegeschütz carry it like the Broadsider Škoda 3.7cm M1915 Infanteriegeschutz carry it like a rifle The 8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41 because screw it meme weapon having a shoulder mounted CANNON attatments few ammo types cause you cant tell me shooting a virtibird out of the sky with a flak cannon on your shoulder doesnt sound cool Nordenfelt M1884 Carry it like a minigun cause it be funny running around and turning a corner to see an enemy with this BL 6-inch gun Mk V (Coast defence gun) BECAUSE GAINT CANNON a cool idea for a settlement defense Gruson 53 mm Model 1887/1916 ZU-23-2 carry like a minigun Canon de 155 mm GPF Either shoulder mounted or Carry like Minigun Big Bertha (howitzer) Shoulder mounted or carry like minigun QF 1-pounder pom-pom Like a minigun 2 cm Flak 30, Flak 38 and Flakvierling 38 carry like minigun Hotchkiss 13.2 mm machine gun Carry like a minigun Madsen 20 mm cannon Carrry like a minigun Nkm wz. 38 FK Carry like minigun Oerlikon 20 mm cannon Carry like minigun Type 5 15 cm AA gun Should moutain Mitrailleuse de 25 carry like a minigun The Flaming onion (yes thats its name) Carry like a minigun Agar gun Carry like minigun Bailey machine gun Carryl ike minigun Berezin UB Carry like minigun Breda Mod. 5C Carry Like minigun Breda M37 attactments carry like minigun Fokker-Leimberger Carry like minigun maybe have shotgun shells as ammo conversion GAU-19 Carry like minigun of course Gorgas machine gun Carry like minigun i mean look at the thing it would fit in Fallout KPV heavy machine gun Carry like minigun Madsen-Saetter machine gun Carry like a minigun Type 77 heavy machine gun Carry like a minigun ZB-60 Varry like minigun M197 electric cannon Carry like minigun Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon Carry like a minigun (Come on a cool auto cannon) M40 recoilless rifle carry like minigun 6S19 Carry like minigun AGS-30 Carry like minigun Daewoo Precision Industries K4 Carry like minigun Heckler & Koch GMG like minigun Howa Type 96 like minigun M75 grenade launcher like minigun M129 grenade launcher like minigun Squad Support Automatic Grenade Launcher(LG-02) like minigun STK 40 AGL like minigun Type 87 grenade launcher like minigun Rheinmetall RMK30 like minigun SPG-9 like minigun Pvpj 1110 like minigun Mark 2488 Magnetic Accelerator Cannon From Halo carry it like a minigun Type-27 Anti-Aircraft Cannon from halo Carry Like minigun Type-38 Anti-Aircraft Cannon from halo carry like minigun or shoulder mounted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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