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Mod Idea - Buy-Sec. Buy vehicles via simply scanning them via a 3rd menu, shortcut to instantly buy them is Shift+J


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Pissed your one of a kind car you klepped that looked f*ckin' nova got dented?

That Hellhound Man'o'war you worked so hard to steal from the NCPD landed upside down again?

Something simply not on the car menu mod in your apartment you know you %100 deserve?

Say hello to El Capitan's Buy-Sec system!



With buy-sec, you don't need no street cred. Simply klep a car, whether it be dogtown, NCPD, or civilian owned,

YOU can make this a permanent addition to your summon-a-car garage!

All fees are a flat 150 $E + A tax on how durable the car is,

the more it can take a punishment at high speeds? The higher the tax!

Buy-Sec : It only takes a sec!

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