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Add the ability to use the old site UI again


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i don't like the new one either, pls either fix the flaws, or revert back. I use a 32 inch 4k monitor and still have to scroll a lot more then before to see the same info. Search function has some improvements but also got worse in other ways

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Agreed, the new site UI is horrible to use now.. Kudos to the team for trying out something new but it's objectively bad and should be reverted ASAP.  As a paying premium subscriber I hope they listen to my feedback and others.. We need the old UI back

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Yes, I can't agree more the new and old should be choosable. New UI is using more memories to be loaded causing lag and not function friendly on different platform. Old platform is much straightforward and clean.

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Also the word is HATE.

This new interface feels like cutting us a hand.

Less space, less clear, you can't scroll confortably.

Nobody cares about game images or a lookism interface.

I also prefer the old show/hide filters upside instead of a huge interface on the left.

When i think about mods i think in this website, but now i feel like pucking every time i see the UI.

Search is not confortable anymore!!!.

It's ridiculous how the XI/UI programmers nowadays tend to "simplify" using huge buttons when the confortable is find and get what you want clearly, without obstacles.

Solve it please.

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