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Please let us revert to the old UI


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Also the word is HATE.

This new interface feels like cutting us a hand.

Less space, less clear, you can't scroll confortably.

Nobody cares about game images or a lookism interface.

I also prefer the old show/hide filters upside instead of a huge interface on the left.

When i think about mods i think in this website, but now i feel like pucking every time i see the UI.

Search is not confortable anymore!!!.

It's ridiculous how the XI/UI programmers nowadays tend to "simplify" using huge buttons when the confortable is find and get what you want clearly, without obstacles.

Solve it please.

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I see the reason of this new design, a lot of time we surf on phone nowadays. And some people say this style is better on phone (no, its not imo, its just ugly).

But dear nexus! This is a PC game modding site, who the hell uses it from phone?? Ok, you can use forum on phone. But forum has the old look 🤦‍♂️

At least give us the ability to choose the old style.

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god yes, 1000% agreed... i would roll back to the old layout in a heartbeat if i had the choice 

i really can't express in words how much i hate this new design and layout, at least not without a long string of profanity. 

it's horrible to navigate through on a PC, with so much wasted space and REALLY reminds me of the blocky Win8 full screen start menu tiles thing that even Micro$oft realised was a bad idea and abandoned very quickly... why on earth would you design a layout based off of tiles that even Micro$oft realised was horrible? 

Please, please, please, for the love of all that is holy... and for the sanity of your user base, add an option to use the old layout and then chart how many people actually use the new layout. 



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