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Enclave Deathclaws Attacking Enclave Soldiers | Fallout NV TTW

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I am playing TTW and the Enclave Deathclaws and Enclave troops are attacking each other. This is happening at the outposts in the Capital Wasteland. I have a decently large load order, however this is still occurring after disabling all mods except TTW and YUPTTW.

Is there a mod that fixes this? Or could someone please explain how to fix this in FNVEdit?

I have included my MO2 load order as a text file.


Thank you for any help :^)

mo2 load order.txt

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Posted (edited)

I have uploaded a screenshot from my game state.


This is at the Enclave Outpost nearest Jury Street Metro Station.


The Enclave Soldier's Reference ID is 060C18CE and his Base ID is FF002586. (06 = Fallout3.ESM)

The Deathclaw's Reference ID is 060C18B3 and its Base ID is 000BCC4D (00 = FalloutNV.ESM)


There appears to be a mismatch between the faction allegiances.


The Enclave Soldier's factions are listed as

FormID 448D1, Editor ID: MS13CanMez, Name: MS13 Can be Mezzed with Mesmetron


Form ID: 1D3FD, Editor ID: EnclaveFaction, Name: Enclave

Whereas the Deathclaw's factions are listed as

FormID: 7e274, Editor ID: CreatureHitDeathClaw, Name: <noname>


FormID: 9003895, EditorID: DLC03EnclaveDeathclawFaction, Name: DLC03 Enclave Deathclaw Faction (09 = BrokenSteel.ESM)

enclave deathclaw factions screenshot-min.jpg

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FNVEdit shows the Deathclaw FormID: 000BCC4D, EditorID: CagedDeathclawEnclave as having 4 factions, being






Is the console only showing 2 factions because of a limitation and it really has all 4 or are only 2 being applied to the Deathclaw for some reason?


FNVEdit is showing the Enclave Soldier Template FormID: 0900101E as having the same EnclaveFaction, FormID: 1D3FD as the Deathclaw has, so why are they attacking each other?

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