JaytheCub Posted Saturday at 12:08 PM Share Posted Saturday at 12:08 PM (edited) For starters i am trying to make a mod which you raise a Baby Gecko from a hatchling to a full-grown Gecko!! however i seem to run into a bit of an issue with how i approached this and made the scripts that coincide with it. i modeled most of what i did based on the Baby Deathclaw commander 2 mod in their scripts usually just replacing what "Deathclaw" would be "Gecko" for me. however when i checked the GECK WIKI it says "player.getlos is "get line of sight" apparently this is how the Deathclaw commander mod determines when to swap models but now my mod seems to constantly switching models everytime the player looks away from their little Gecko hatchling. Of course i have another problem as well. For starters i tried to make a "Choice selection" in a menu (showmessage) and the player will select their choice of "Adult Gecko" From a range of "Fire" "Poison" "and "Golden" and "Regular" geckos. however this doesn't seem to be working? here is the "control script" for the Baby Gecko Commander mod.... scn BabyGeckoControlSCRIPT short GeckoHired short GeckoFired short GeckoHasBeenHired short GeckoName short GeckoHungry short TrackGameHour float GeckoSize short GeckoStrength short GeckoHealth short SwapModels short GeckoMidHired short GeckoMidFired short GeckoAdultHired short GeckoAdultFired short GeckoAdultFireHired short GeckoAdultFireFired short GeckoAdultGoldenHired short GeckoAdultGoldenFired short GeckoAdultPoisonHired short GeckoAdultPoisonFired short postcombat short HungryAdvisory short TheGameHour short FoundStealthBoy short HasStealthBoy ref CurrentRef short InventoryStealthBoy short counter short StealthBoyOn short RandomNum short MoveToMe short MoveTimer short Btn short MenuID begin gamemode if MoveToMe if MoveToMe == 1 set MoveTimer to GetSecondsPassed set MoveToMe to 2 else set movetimer to movetimer + GetSecondsPassed if MoveTimer >= 10 if GeckoHired BabyGInfantREF.moveto player elseif GeckoMidHired BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultHired BabyGAdultREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultFireHired BabyGAdultFireREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired BabyGAdultGoldenREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired BabyGAdultPoisonREF.moveto player endif set movetimer to 0 set MoveToMe to 0 endif endif endif ;Gecko who ate stealthboy ahs stealthboy symptoms in stealth if HasStealthBoy if GeckoHired set CurrentREF to BabyGInfantREF elseif GeckoMidHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdolescentREF elseif GeckoAdultHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultREF elseif GeckoAdultFireHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultFireREF elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired set CurrentREF To BabyGAdultGoldenREF elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultPoisonREF endif if getobjectivecompleted BABYGECKOCLOAK1 2 != 1 if Player.IsSneaking == 1 && Player.IsInCombat == 0 CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 CurrentREF.AddSpell StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell else CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 CurrentREF.dispel StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell endif endif endif ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Gecko eats stealth boy in front of player if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy if FoundStealthBoy == 3 setquestdelay BabyGeckoControlQUEST 1 if GeckoHired set CurrentREF to BabyGInfantREF elseif GeckoMidHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdolescentREF elseif GeckoAdultHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultREF elseif GeckoAdultFireHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultFireREF elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultGoldenREF elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultPoisonREF endif set FoundStealthBoy to 4 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 4 player.playsound NPCGeckoChomp set FoundStealthBoy to 5 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 5 CurrentREF.PlaySound3D ObjStealthBoyActivate CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 set FoundStealthBoy to 6 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 6 CurrentREF.AddSpell StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell set FoundStealthBoy to 7 elseif FoundStealthBoy > 6 && FoundStealthBoy < 12 set FoundStealthBoy to FoundStealthBoy + 1 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 12 CurrentREF.dispel STealthBoyInvisibilitySpell CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 set FoundStealthBoy to -1 set HasStealthBoy to 1 setquestdelay BabyGeckoControlQUEST 5 setobjectivedisplayed BabyGeckoControlQuest 35 1 setstage BabyGeckoControlQUEST 35 endif endif endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Swap to new REFs if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoHired if playerref.getlos BabyGInfantREF else set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdolescentREF.Enable BabyGAdolescentREF.MoveTo BabyGInfantREF set BabyGAdolescentREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGInfantREF.MoveTo BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoFired to 1 set GeckoHired to 0 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGInfantREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGInfantREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 setobjectivedisplayed BabyGeckoControlqUEST 10 0 if BabyGInfantREF.Waiting set BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting to 1 endif set BabyGInfantREF.Waiting to 0 BabyGInfantREF.Disable set GeckoMidHired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.AddToFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 BabyGInfantREF.SetAV Confidence 2 endif endif if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoMidHired if playerref.getlos BabyGAdolescentREF else set MenuID to 1 showmessage BabyGGeckoChoiceAdultList endif endif ;Adult Choices to pick from when the adolescent grows up to a "Young Alpha Gecko" if MenuID == 1 if Btn == -1 return elseif Btn == 0 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultREF.Enable BabyGAdultREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultREF.Waiting to 1 endif set GeckoAdultHired to 1 BabyGAdultREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 elseif Btn == 1 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultFireREF.Enable BabyGAdultFireREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultFireREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultFireREF.Waiting to 1 endif Set GeckoAdultFireHired to 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 elseif Btn == 2 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.Enable BabyGAdultPoisonREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultPoisonREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultPoisonREF.Waiting to 1 endif set GeckoAdultPoisonHired to 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 elseif Btn == 3 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.Enable BabyGAdultGoldenREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultGoldenREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultGoldenREF.Waiting to 1 endif set GeckoAdultGoldenHired to 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.AddtoFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 endif endif ; all geckos versions hunger timer if GeckoHired || GeckoMidHired if playerref.isincombat else if swapmodels else set TheGameHour to gamehour if GeckoHungry else if TrackGameHour > TheGameHour set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour - 1 endif if TheGameHour > TrackGameHour set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour Set GeckoHungry to 1 if HungryAdvisory == 0 showmessage BabyGHungry set HungryAdvisory to 1 endif endif endif endif endif endif ;if gecko followers allowed idles after combat but only 5-10 seconds. if postcombat if postcombat == -1 set postcombat to 2 else set postcombat to 0 if GeckoHired BabyGInfantREF.EVP BabyGInfantREF.Playgroup idle 1 elseif GeckoMidHired BabyGAdolescentREF.EVP BabyGAdolescentREF.PlayGroup idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultHired BabyGAdultREF.EVP BabyGAdultREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultFireHired BabyGAdultFireREF.EVP BabyGAdultFireREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired BabyGAdultPoisonREF.EVP BabyGAdultPoisonREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired BabyGAdultGoldenREF.EVP BabyGAdultGoldenREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 endif endif endif ;Young Alpha GECKO if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdultREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthBoy to 1 BabyGAdultREF.Removeitem stealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultREF.RemoveAllItems Player Set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; Young Alpha Fire Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultFireHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 Set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdultFireREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultFireREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set inventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.RemoveallItems Player Set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultFireREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; young alpha Green Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultPoisonHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthboy to 2 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultPoisonREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.RemoveallItems Player Set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; young alpha golden gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultGoldenHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 Set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultGoldenREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.RemoveallItems Player set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; Adolescent Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoMidHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdolescentREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveAllItems Player Set FoundStealthboy to 15 return endif endif endif if SwapModels else set swapmodels to 1 set GeckoHungry to 0 endif if BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount Everything || BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount BabyGMissingEverything if GeckoHungry if BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount MeatFood || BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount BabyGMiscFoodLIST set GeckoSize to BabyGAdolescentREF.GetScale Set GeckoHungry to 0 set HungryAdvisory to 0 set TheGameHour to gamehour Set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveItem BabyGMiscFoodLIST 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveItem MeatFood 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.PlaySound3D NPCGeckoChomp set GeckoSize to GeckoSize + 0.05 BabyGAdolescentREF.SetScale GeckoSize set GeckoStrength to GeckoSize * 10 Set GeckoHealth to GeckoStrength * 50 BabyGAdolescentREF.SetAV Strength GeckoStrength BabyGAdolescentREF.SetAV Health GeckoHealth endif else showmessage BabyGFoodRefuse endif BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveallItems Player endif endif endif ; Infant Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGInfantREF.EVP return endif if BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveAllItems Player Set FoundStealthboy to 15 return endif endif endif if SwapModels else set swapmodels to 1 set GeckoHungry to 0 endif if BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount Everything || BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount BabyGMissingEverything if GeckoHungry if BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount MeatFood || BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount BabyGMiscFoodLIST set GeckoSize to BabyGInfantREF.GetScale Set GeckoHungry to 0 set HungryAdvisory to 0 set TheGameHour to gamehour Set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour BabyGInfantREF.RemoveItem BabyGMiscFoodLIST 1 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveItem MeatFood 1 BabyGInfantREF.PlaySound3D NPCGeckoChomp set GeckoSize to GeckoSize + 0.05 BabyGInfantREF.SetScale GeckoSize set GeckoStrength to GeckoSize * 10 Set GeckoHealth to GeckoStrength * 50 BabyGInfantREF.SetAV Strength GeckoStrength BabyGInfantREF.SetAV Health GeckoHealth endif else showmessage BabyGFoodRefuse endif BabyGInfantREF.RemoveallItems Player endif endif endif end As you can see i finally got it into a 'functional' state to test things but testing isn't going too well right now. the other issue seems to be the Gecko isn't getting hungry i waited a few hours it seems like its not getting hungry no matter how long i wait or something. basically whenever i would go into the game and "look away" from the gecko hatchling he will theoretically "Age up" and swap models and then when i look back i see the "Adult model" separately spawned and they keep respawning over and over! this is not good. edit: Well i got the hunger things working just fine. the geck is getting hungry now. But still having problems with the Swapping models and choices you pick from a message box menu.... of course i think the problem was that i didn't put "swapmodels" as a proper if value so i needed to fix that and i did but still having issues aside from that. edit 2: Okay so i got the "Adult models" working now however the menu is appearing too soon for some reason and regularly keeps appearing for some reason plus the Adolescent Model keeps reappearing whenever the adult model is selected. And as well sometimes when i go to "Talk" to my Gecko pet thing it just glitches out and i go invisible despite having plenty of dialogue options available. Any ideas? Edited Saturday at 06:17 PM by JaytheCub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JaytheCub Posted Saturday at 07:11 PM Author Share Posted Saturday at 07:11 PM NEVERMIND I think i got it now. The gecko seems to be working but now the main problem is it keeps progressing very fast whenever you first grab the egg and then swaps models for Baby>Adolescent>then immediately for one of the Adult Models (Player's choice btw) so it brings up the messagebox after you feed the Gecko baby only once and then turn around and it starts "Swapping models" it might have something to do with how fast it is growing in size and or something because i think the way its set up in script now it has to do with that. Ima keep toying with it until i get it to give a decent length of time while its a Baby>Adolescent>and then one of the Adult models as its final model. wish me luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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