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LooksMenu/Extended Facial Morphs memory leak?

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I'm not sure when this started happening, but I've had a few crashes while trying to create new characters or edit existing ones. Suspicious, I used RivaTuner to keep an eye on things while I work on them. Turns out, doing anything to faces causes about a 1000MB jump in RAM usage, each time anything is done.  Move cheekbones up, 1000MB increase. You get the idea. It doesn't happen when selecting hairs, or doing anything with body shape. Only the face. I can only suspect it's either LooksMenu or Extended Facial Morphs causing. What I'm having to do for now is watch the RAM usage, save and restart, making few adjustments at a time. The game starts up using about 13GB of RAM, and I've only got 32GB, so that comes pretty quick. Anyone else seen this?

Edited by Kanori24
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