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Would love a way to go back to the old UI, even if it never gets updated with new features.

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Agrre... the tiles are huge and then we have to click through pages? What is this, the 90s? Before I regulars scolled through the page, for the games I have and was curious if there are new mods, now Im basically forced to use the search function.

And if this shall be used on phones... make a seperate mobile page! Seriously are people actually browsing through game mods on their phones? Why?

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this hurts my eyes and i can't find anything. if this is what it was when i first used this site i never would have come back. even getting to here was pain, apparently i wasn't logged in, so i went to another tab where i was logged in and came back, had to find your little log in link next to the big ass sign up link, that booted me to another area and didn't let me come back, then i had to just start over with the other page again to come back a third time. i'm sure someone thinks they are doing great making it all more mobile friendly but the site isn't really for mobile. make a mobile version like this and let us go back to the old lay out that worked. i shouldn't need to back out of the site and google the mods i am trying to find them instead of just scrolling down further. 

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These companies will never just admit they made a terrible decision and roll it back... and I've already seen numerous people say they plan to just soldier on because nexus already have their money or whatever. Its not gonna kill the site and money is the only thing they care about, not user opinion.

Probably the best we could ever hope for is something like what reddit did with their awful redesign a number of years back: give users the ability to access both with a different url or something. 

But my hopes are not high.

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I absolutely agree, i LOATHE this new UI. Having to scroll past a collections section I WILL NEVER USE in order to see the latest mods is just ridiculous.

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look, I get it, you wanted to try something new, and thats good! but this was not a good change, at all. everybody hates it, it shows less info, is too compact, the coloring is all off, it just doesn't look good, at all. *please* at least put something in the settings to let us change the UI back to the old one, please I am BEGGING you

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