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Would love a way to go back to the old UI, even if it never gets updated with new features.

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Adding my +1
The new UI is a downgrade. you've gone out of your way to obfuscate features. I can no longer view all games at once. I also cannot sort by beginning letter much less Alphabetical Sorting is pointless when it only shows a handful of games before having to go to the next page which i cant speed through. I do not want to browse 25 pages to get to the game i want. Searching the game by name is imperfect, games that are fully capitalized dont show correctly in an alphabetical sense.

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3 hours ago, Mimelover said:

Cancel your premium subscriptions, vote with your wallets.


This is exactly what I did when I saw them first start trying to hide public opinion about the new UI.

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OK I've tried it, I don't like it. It is more difficult to find things ; it appears to be designed to help Nexus not the Nexus users. It may be simpler for you , it is not for us.  I don't know why you thought you needed to change it but I am fairly sure that it was not because of any cry from the users. Besides you don't seem to understand a basic principle that humans have known for almost three millennia; People do not like change in something they are used to especially. They may think they want it but then they don't like it when it happens. With that in mind you would, I would think, want to have a very, very good reason to change something that a large number of people use and have used for a long time. From a user standpoint I have not found one thing I think is better than it was so my request is; Go Back to the previous system. If there a things you need to change for some reason do it in a manner that does not change the process for the users.  

Edited by NeoNord
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