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Would love a way to go back to the old UI, even if it never gets updated with new features.

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Those who donate and pay for premium on the site will be the loudest voices on this topic. Ask everyone you know that has nexus premium membership to give their two cents, this feels like a situation where simply complaining is not enough. If there were a significant loss in premium users they might consider.

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I swear the only remotely good thing about the new UI is the massive list of search filters. Everything else about it is awful: more dead space, physically larger items, less information per item (less space for title and description when browsing). Whoever designed it and whoever approved the design should be replaced, because they made a UI for a minority of users that, if other forum posts are accurate, have the same issues as the majority of the userbase.

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I am finding both the UI and the colour scheme hard to look at and it's putting me off browsing the site at all. I am only logging in to check my notifications. Please change it again to something without the black background, which makes everything harder to look at and take in. And as somebody else has commented, the new style feels cold and impersonal and less reflective of a playful community.

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You got rid of the UI everyone was familiar with, the UI everyone knew and loved, the UI everyone could recognize like the back of their hand. And you replace it with this minimalist garbage? Have you not learned from other sites doing this? I can't believe i'm saying this, but when Furaffinity had a UI overhaul, they did something smart, that was giving the option to switch back to the old UI! How many other websites have i seen do this? NONE. ZERO. Read the room. EVERYONE HATES THIS NEW UI.

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The new UI provides no real feature improvements over the old one, the only thing it does is remove random stuff:

  • there's no way to view tracked content updates

  • You now have to hover over the "last updated time" to find out when it was actually last updated instead of just being told the date, which is fine for stuff within the last month that shows "Last Updated X Days ago" or "X Hours ago" but is totally pointless for stuff that shows "Last Updated a Year ago" which isn't meaningfully accurate.

  • To endorse a mod from the browser you now have to click the "..." to see the buttons, whereas in the old UI you could just hover. One more click, no reason for it to be a click. Additionally, the button in this menu to go right to a mod's gallery is missing.

  • Some content filters are missing when browsing. For example, I cannot filter by Reshade, or other Attributes like "Saved Game" "Character Preset" etc. The new UI only has 4 such attributes, "Hide Adult Content" "Show Only Adult Content" "Supported by Vortex" and "Show Only Updated Mods" and it's missing ALL of the other ones.

  • The Search Filter for "File Name Contains" is also missing. WHY?!?

  • Pages take about twice as long to load.

  • Only shows 6 "Trending Mods" on the game's homepage, as opposed to the 7 "Hot Mods" on the old layout. This isn't a big deal, but like, WHY!?!

  • Sort by Trending is missing. (Also Sort by Author is missing... but did anyone actually use this?)

  • Display types are missing. (IE, Show mods as "Small Tiles" "List" and "Big Tiles") Which is a useful feature depending on what you're looking for. Big tiles is best for visual mods because you want to see the screenshots prominently, List is good for gameplay mods because the screenshots aren't indicative of anything, whereas Small Tiles is a middle ground. The new Layout ONLY has Small Tiles.

  • Date Range is missing. WHY!?!?!

Now I'll get into some more subjective design stuff, which aren't just "Literally missing a feature."

  • The UI Lacks "Character" It just feels like a generic template UI for a "Modern Layout" whereas the old Nexus Layout had become more iconic, it had character, and it felt "designed" rather than felt like a generic web-template.

  • The UI is incomplete. Some things need to redirect to the old UI because the UI redesign only encompassed a portion of the site, this makes for some jarring transitions as you're jumped between the two layouts.

  • Language Support has no reason to be above Content Options in the sidebar either. Very few people are going to actually use this a lot to refine searched. Aside from just clicking their language and forgetting about it.

  • There's a lot more pointless empty space.

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Same. Old UI please, I'm autistic, I hate change. The old UI worked, was easy to follow and use, it had everything I wanted. Give me the option to use it please.


This is trash, hopefully another huge/main Skyrim Modding site will open up so I don't have to look at this garbage ever again. - If there is one, someone send me the link.

Edited by Cssteele2023
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