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Would love a way to go back to the old UI, even if it never gets updated with new features.


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I have never said anything on these forums before, so the fact that I now take the time to do so should speak volumes - For the love of god, revert to the old interface. This is dreadful and messy. It's impossible to find anything. Fire whoever you hired to do these godawful changes, and bring back the old simple interface.

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The new UI is hard to look at.


Vast amounts of wasted space, everything is far too big, the search function has less straightforward functionality than before(like now it automatically sorts by endorsements instead of date published, why would you change this?), and to top it all off it's laggy and has considerably worse performance than the old UI.


I've read a lot of forum posts, reddit posts etc about people talking about the new UI and it's very difficult to find people even being moderately positive about the change. Why would you keep something like this that is very clearly disliked by the majority of your community and users? Especially when its performance is noticeably worse.


At least give an option for people to use the old UI, like reddit does with old reddit. Even if you don't want to "support" the old UI, it'd be nice just to have the option. Especially considering the old UI runs better.

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The new ui is less user friendly than the old one and offers repetitive choices that make no sense. To start the new search option should not show every category as if i wanted to look at anything other than mods i would do so by simply clicking on the respective tabs at the top of the screen. Also, the dropdown search was better optimized for people to find mods (the main point of this site). The colors also seem off I can't quite describe it but they just don't work well. Also in the more mods section instead of just saying how long ago something was updated, showing the date would be better in my personal opinion. Finally the tab you see when you click on a specific game is poorly laid out and is actually gross to look at. The old design was sleek and properly displayed more mods than the current layout does. Also just to reiterate the point that many others have said, I do not want to see collections when I am looking at a games mods. If I really wanna look at them then I would simply click the tab at the top of the screen.

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The new UI makes navigation awkward and makes finding a single mod among thousands much more difficult. I also agree with much of this thread on the matter of aesthetics. It feels like the same forced "sleek new modern" design philosophy which so often accompanies the websites of out-of-touch corporations.

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Nexus mods have now become Bethesda....... don't?! Please.
The new UI is ugly, unresponsive, I can't find s#*! now, and I hate that my previous dark mode on this website was actually black and now its "Millenial Grey" ? GTFO

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