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Upgrading or redoing a Mod.


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So the mod in question is https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35094

I haven't been able to convert this lovely mod for personal usage due to the ESP being Records 5997. Far to large for an ESL. That is the extent of my knowledge when it comes to mod building. Honestly im just an end user. I know just enough to cause a problem. I loved this mod. 

All i'm wanting to do is to create the mod for SSE but have it just be,

1. Armor, crafting manuel.

2. Item IDs for the Console. Ex. player.additem XXXXXXXXXXX.

No upgrade to 2k or dear gods 8k. Just a simple convert. This mod has a decent size story and events that goes along with it. Hence the rather large Records amount. Hit me up if anyone wouldn't mind looking into this or even creating this request.  


Thank you in advance.


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