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Lighting issues with armor meshes <Please Help Me>


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Hi i'm currently working on a couple of models for a mod. The thing is, there are a couple of models that are experiencing lighting problems. The models are alright when in outdoor areas, however once in-doors certain parts of the armor turn black.

I'm a little stumped right now :wallbash:. Is it because of a shadow issue, lighting issue or a texture issue. Heck I'm not even sure the stuff I just mention is the cause of this.

It would be great if someone could help me out or point me in the right direction.

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I remember having an issue like this (in Fallout New Vegas). Sometimes certain textures simply wouldn't load, and they would be displayed as black because of the memory limit. It just simply couldn't load all the textures. Now, at the time I did have a few high-intensity texture mods installed, so I figured I was just overloading the system a bit, but using some of the 4GB enabler / limit fixes I managed to resolve the issue.


Hopefully this leads to you solving your problem!



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