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Enchantment Design: Creating A New Enchanted Item, Without A Mile Long Text...


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So, I'm trying to make a New Item, with an Enchantment.
The issue is, that Enchantment is actually lots of other Enchantments.
This means, I'm ending up with a Text Descriptor that is way too long to be practical.
So, how do I make it shorter?

Idea 1:
Make an entirely new Enchantment which has multiple Effects at once, but all of those Effects are affected by only ONE Value.
So, "Combined Regeneration" which is a combination of Health, Magicka, and Stamina Regeneration, all in one Enchantment.
Value being set to affect all three 'Combined' as one.
Description - Health, Magicka, and Stamina regenerates 'n%' faster.
Instead of what it currently says as 3 Enchantments - Health regenerates 'n%' faster, Magicka regenerates 'n%' faster, and Stamina regenerates 'n%' faster.

Idea 2:
Find a way to doge the issue by setting a custom description that still knows how to properly display 'n%' so that if the item is ever taken to a disenchanting station, it will be able to display correctly.


What my Item currently does:
Fortify Shouts
Fortify Barter
Fortify Persuasion
Regeneration Health
Regeneration Magicka
Regeneration Stamina
Resistance to Disease
Resistance to Poison

Why so many?
Simply because of other plans for another MOD, assuming someone hasn't already made it.
Because I'm a bit too lazy to keep switching Amulets for Combat and Trade.

Will it be too Overpowered?
No, since the amounts won't be as high as what their specialist counterparts are.
OK, so, who actually uses an Amulet of Talos, unless they are using some Glitch to allow them to use something else as well.
Let's face it, nobody is, there is just no reason to, as it doesn't do anything that is substantially useful enough to justify it.
Haggling Necklace, how many times have we all forgotten to switch from Combat Amulets to Commerce Amulets... Too many...
Persuasion Amulets are also a major thing, as sometimes you just need to persuade your foes to back out of combat for a Quest.

Anyway, due to upcoming plans for a new MOD, this Micro-MOD will really make a major difference.


Back to topic, I just want to have a Descriptor that is not too small that you can't read it.
Since the Health, Magicka, and Stamina Regeneration amounts are going to be identical, it would make more sense to have a cumulative description.

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