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Question on Fallout New Vegas modding


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I've been working on a mod recently that I had decided the weapons will give players stat boosts(That are belief induced, kind of like a placebo type of thing) and I was making a list of weapons I wanted to have add on the effect, and after I got the list down I started making the mod, and got it working thanks to some people here on the forums, but I'm running into something else.

For starters, with the way I actually planned this mod out, I actually ran into another idea which will be using a script similar to the original one with some minor variations(Something tells me I'm gonna need some help with that too, lol) but before I get into that, I have a question about something I noticed


The weapons in the mod are unique weapons that aren't so unique except by who has used them, and when I was looking at one of the weapons, I noticed an object effect that seemed a little odd to me.


DummyNVKnife, or Dummy Knife Effect

It's on the sniper rifle in the game files as an object effect, when I checked to see what it did, here are the reults

Effect Name: Bonus Critical Chance : (null)

Magnitude: 0

Area : 0

Duration : 0

Range : Touch

Cost : 0


I didn't want to break the game by changing the object effect from this effect to another, so I'm trying to figure out what it does.


Does it actually do anything? Is it Null because it does absolutely nothing? If so, why is it there?

I mean, my mind is thinking there's a reason behind this, but I'm not sure what it is, anybody know?

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It does nothing, it's there for the text on the weapon's effects. For example, the combat knife that has that effect has double the chance of getting a critical hit when compared to other weapons (you can see that where it says Crit % Mult the box has "2", rather than the normal "1"). The "DummyNVKnife" effect is used since there's no way of displaying that the critical chance has been doubled other than to use an object effect.

Hope that clears things up! :)

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