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Protecting your own village!


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Just wondering if there is a mod out there that lets you create your own village or town that you can be Jarl of e.g. make actual decisions, make money from rent, people actually give you respect when walking through the streets, free stuff, armory, personal blacksmiths that create things to stock up your armory, start up trading with other cities, eventually becoming High King............ etc. I know LemurFever is creating something at the moment like this and it is looking really cool. What would also be cool is if you could add a technology specialist, someone following the work of Kagrenak or something like that which lets you add special tech to your village to help protect it (Automations, Ballista's etc) Of course you would need to quest for these blueprints, but the more work you put into your city, the more things become available e.g. trade, technology, upgraded armors, enchanted weaponry, highly skilled guards,


I also wanted to know if a radiant quest could be added to it so now and then your village gets attacked or comes under siege and you have to protect it and those who live in your village. The more you protect your village/ city the more your people are happy, the more money you receive, or more people want to move in because they feel safe so more money again.


If you are away from town, a courier would be dispatched to find you and let you know that your city is in danger or a bird MOD that brings you messages.


Let me know what you guys think. Is it possible??

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