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Tree LOD not disappearing


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I've recently come up with a problem while working on my custom worldspace.


Certain trees have LODs that don't disappear when near. They remain the low texture/ low poly object when I walk up to it.

Some trees also display the wrong LOD model


There are even trees which I've placed, then deleted (thus they are not an object within the world anymore). Then when I'm in-game the LOD tree is there, despite the fact that there shouldn't even be a tree

I suspect that It may have something to do with the fact that I am using some custom tree textures and models from GKB's Green Tree resource. Can anyone confirm that?


Anyone encounter a similar problem, or know of a solution?


These are the low quality LOD trees, not the foliage ones (they don't even exist in CK)

The Aspen LOD is should be a snow pine LOD


Same Issue here.

More Screenies:
because I thought this one looked nice.
It doesn't have a problem, just like to share it, thats all

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For future reference I found the solution.

Just regenerating LOD won't work, the ghost trees will still appear on earlier versions of your .esp
Delete everything under data/meshes/yourworldspace and regenerate object and tree LOD

Edited by Noobo
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