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So, we have the milk bottle model, right?

And we have the Brahmin, right?

We even have, if I remember correctly, a mention of brahmin milk in the vanilla storyline, right?


So, why not take the last step?

As far as I know, Brahmin can not be milked.

As far as I know, the Milk bottle has no use what so ever. It's just scrap.


Maybe, you could add a special perk, say "Farmer" (maybe make the guy standing beside the brahmin in megaton teach it to you), that allows you to milk brahmin if you have a milk bottle in your inventory and Use the brahmin.

The Milk bottle would then be removed, and one Brahmin Milk would then be placed in your inventory.


Suggested stats:

(They're based loosely on Dirty Water, but up for change :happy:)

HP: perhaps 12 or 15?

Rads: 4

Weight: 1

Value: 15


How I (LimEJET) can help:

I am a skinner, so I can help with Pip-boy icons and different looks for the full bottle if needed (although, since I've not done any work in the Oblivion engine before (only Source), I could use some guidance regarding filepaths and formats). I can also help to give the guy that teaches you the perk (if whoever decides to pick this up think it's needed) a voice, since I have some experience with acting and sound editing.


Does anyone think this is a good idea besides me?

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I've always thought it would be cool to have some sort of Farm mod... raise Brahmin, grow radiated fruit, protect that fruit and Brahmin from raiders... build giant walls and add machine gun turrets to keep out raiders...


It would be like Harvest Moon 64, but everything would be horrible irradiated, you would be constantly be attacked by Super Mutants, Yao Gui, Raiders, The Enclave, and Raiders, and you could buy slaves from Paradise Valley to do your work for you... (or I guess you could hire someone the honest way, but what fun is that...)


Yes, I just sujested combining Harvest Moon 64 and Fallout, I know I am crazy...

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I've always thought it would be cool to have some sort of Farm mod... raise Brahmin, grow radiated fruit, protect that fruit and Brahmin from raiders... build giant walls and add machine gun turrets to keep out raiders...


It would be like Harvest Moon 64, but everything would be horrible irradiated, you would be constantly be attacked by Super Mutants, Yao Gui, Raiders, The Enclave, and Raiders, and you could buy slaves from Paradise Valley to do your work for you... (or I guess you could hire someone the honest way, but what fun is that...)


Yes, I just sujested combining Harvest Moon 64 and Fallout, I know I am crazy...


Might be crazy but that sounds like a fun idea.

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I've always thought it would be cool to have some sort of Farm mod... raise Brahmin, grow radiated fruit, protect that fruit and Brahmin from raiders... build giant walls and add machine gun turrets to keep out raiders...


It would be like Harvest Moon 64, but everything would be horrible irradiated, you would be constantly be attacked by Super Mutants, Yao Gui, Raiders, The Enclave, and Raiders, and you could buy slaves from Paradise Valley to do your work for you... (or I guess you could hire someone the honest way, but what fun is that...)


Yes, I just sujested combining Harvest Moon 64 and Fallout, I know I am crazy...


Might be crazy but that sounds like a fun idea.


Most stuff that ends up being fun is totaly crazy :wink:


My last play through I just felt like going through the game on a sceduel, I always woke up at 8, went to buy supplies from Moira, stashed all uneccesary items in my house, take only 4 weapons and 3 armors (makeing sure I have less than 125 pounds of stuff) and then went out on my journey, makeing sure to return before 12 so I could get a full 8 hours of sleep...


And honestly, that was probly the most fun playthrough of Fallout 3 I have had... I don't know why, but doing things on a day to day basis, as aposed to just running through mission after mission without returning home, just seemed to have a better overall feel to it (that, and only carrying a handful of weapons, and switching them up everyday)


But what would be cool, is if you had a more dynamic home with all sorts of stuff to do to get more money for supplies, and neighbors that would come by and see you, and some hot chicks (or guys if your a female character) that you could give gifts in order to get them to like you and have sex with you... And you would be able to grow food and the better you took care of it, the more it would heal you, so you could pretty much defeat the need of stocking up on Stimpaks all the time (my least favorite part of Fallout) And you could raise Brahmin and Mutated Hourses you could ride (only if someone could possibly get rideable hourses working) And then you would have random Raider and Super Mutant attacks and have to protect your home and farm, and you could set up machine gun turrets and stuff...


But it would mostly just be a place to spend about 5 to 10 minutes in before you go out on your daily quest, and then return to back at night and get supplies, just kind of a side thing while you are working toward the ultimate goal of completing the main quest...


but anyways, that really has nothing to do with what this thread is about, so I will stop now...

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've always thought it would be cool to have some sort of Farm mod... raise Brahmin, grow radiated fruit, protect that fruit and Brahmin from raiders... build giant walls and add machine gun turrets to keep out raiders...


It would be like Harvest Moon 64, but everything would be horrible irradiated, you would be constantly be attacked by Super Mutants, Yao Gui, Raiders, The Enclave, and Raiders, and you could buy slaves from Paradise Valley to do your work for you... (or I guess you could hire someone the honest way, but what fun is that...)


Yes, I just sujested combining Harvest Moon 64 and Fallout, I know I am crazy...




I never got why everything has to be horribly irradiated after 200 years. 2 centuries of rain would wash downstream tonnes of radiation if not damn near all, or am I hallucinating in that Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both inhabited. And since the bombs fell then. Sure, a holocaust would have heavier radiation, but 200 years of rain would still wash out alot. Come to think of it, plenty of green round Chernobyl too.




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I never got why everything has to be horribly irradiated after 200 years. 2 centuries of rain would wash downstream tonnes of radiation if not damn near all, or am I hallucinating in that Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both inhabited. And since the bombs fell then. Sure, a holocaust would have heavier radiation, but 200 years of rain would still wash out alot. Come to think of it, plenty of green round Chernobyl too.





Its the fact that a bunch of nukes went off at once all across the world, heating up the atmosphere and whatnot and killing plant and animal life, disrupting the ecosystem...


Part of the canon I believe talks about terrible cyclones in the midwest and other climatic nightmares that've disrupted normal weather patterns and thus, have not cleansed the land of radiation.


Plus, you know, its a game based off '50s science fiction lore...

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