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What should the hero of TES6 be?


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We've had an ordinary guard, an agent of the Blades, the reincarnation of Nerevar, another ordinary citizen, and the Last Dragonborn as the heroes of the past five main games. Any ideas as to what the next hero of the Elder Scrolls should be?


Maybe a Shezzarine?

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We've had an ordinary guard, an agent of the Blades, the reincarnation of Nerevar, another ordinary citizen, and the Last Dragonborn as the heroes of the past five main games. Any ideas as to what the next hero of the Elder Scrolls should be?


Maybe a Shezzarine?


First... There are arguements to be made that ALL the characters have been Shezzarines.


Second, The Nerevarine and the CoC were, essentially, the same thing. They weren't reincarnations, but -Incarnations-. The two are rather different things in Tamriel... Without going off on my usual tangents, Incarnations are kind of like mini-mantling. The Nerevarine was the Incarnation of Nerevar. The CoC was the Incarnation of Pelinal Whitestrake.


Since Morrowind, the PC's have always been rather big cosmic figures, and i personally think that trend should continue. A divine avatar, a fragment of the Numidium, or even Anu's dream self would all be rather interesting.

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We've had an ordinary guard, an agent of the Blades, the reincarnation of Nerevar, another ordinary citizen, and the Last Dragonborn as the heroes of the past five main games. Any ideas as to what the next hero of the Elder Scrolls should be?


Maybe a Shezzarine?

oes it matter your character is the hero and you can do whatever you want him or her to be

the heroe

the anti hero

the villan

the saint


as long bethesda stickd to its succes formulae and doesn't give in to cheap console instant satisfaction game play it doesn't matter what he or she is

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Maybe the prophesied hero for Elsweyr. They need one. They're pretty much brainwashed by the Thalmor.


Actually... and i hate to say this because i hate the Thalmor... They've done alright by the Khajit. The Imperials destroyed Rimmen, took Leyawin for themselves, disbanded the twin-kingdoms (which were an important part of Khajit identity and culture) and marginalized their religion (partially because the Khajit are kind crazy). The Thalmor, for all their evil (the assassination of the Mane and the implementation of the Void Nights among their greatest sins) have been rather good to the Khajit. At least openly.


:O :O :O


But wait! If set in Elsweyr... what if you ARE the new Mane!?

Edited by Lachdonin
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@Lachdonin - that's what I want. You defeat the Thalmor, set the Khajiit free, then unify the tribes as the new Mane. Although that would be unlikely since that would force the PC to be a Khajiit unless a Nord can be the Mane LOL. Maybe like the CoC's relationship with Martin perhaps? A champion-protector of the prophesied "savior-uniter" of the kingdom?

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  • 2 years later...

I would actually like the next elder scrolls to break the mold for once and continue the Dovahkiin's story and have him/her resume his/her crusade against the thalmor, And also have Serana as a companion again.(My Dovahkiin also has a bone to pick with Molag Bal which would make an epic game) And also future TES games should be able to read past saves of past games(i like it when rpg games make my choices MATTER)

Edited by CelticVikingDragon
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