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Clean Installation, situational freezes


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Hi you Pro's out there!


I'm having a major problem with my Oblivion and at this point see no solution but a new Windows installation. But to the issues:


I'm getting freezes (about 3 seconds long) when entering combat, and when someone/something is killed in my presence. I also get those freezes sometimes in menus, also about 3 seconds long, the freezestime does not change if I drop down to lowest graphics settings. The rest of the time the FPS stay perfect.

I first encountered that problem after having installed "Sexlivion for Girls", yet after wiping oblivion completly from my system (registryfiles deleted and all), and running an unmodded, unpatched installation of the game the Issue remains.


I had Oblivion running on highest setting with full Quarls textures without any problems, I'm having a 2,4 gHz Intel Dual Core, a 8800 GeForce GTS and 2k memory. I didn't change ANY driver settings whatsoever.


Do you guys have any suggestions how to fix this? Gameplay's a pain in the ass with those freezes! Please Help!

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You could easily be having an issue with onboard sound.


To test, in the ...\Documents\mygames\oblivion\Oblivion.ini file locate:





And change both 1's to 0


If you get a big improvement either buy a sound card or try to reset the codecs









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Hi Qwaxalot,


Thanks alot for your answer. Your Idea prooved right, I disabled the sounds as you suggested and the problem's gone completly.


I've been having a go with K-lite as you recommended, yet I've not been able to fix the problem with it.

I then thought about what else might interfere with my soundcodecs, and I tried uninstalling the vodei multimedia processor, et voit la, it's all working fine now!

I don't know why vodei was causing this, for I've had it installed since before I had the freezing issues, but it definately works now.


Thanks again!



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