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Guidance for a first time modder


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I know abuot the tutorials I have several tabs with them to go back and read while I begin modding, but I'd like to know what kind of tutorials I need if I want to make a Standalone, custom voice marriable follower.


I've been thinking and I need:

-The Follower tutorial

-How to add a custom voice to your follower

-Dialogue tutorial

-AI tutorial


I know my way around the CK but I don't know what kind of tutorials I need to make such follower and I'm a bit lost :/

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Wow, thanks man :D Kudos to you ^^

EDIT: I just checked the links and all that shenanigans...So overwhelming x.x

I wanted to try to fix Hearthfires, I thought I knew a little bit about CK, but after all the things I saw I just went:


Edited by Krovi
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Quests and dialogue were always some of the trickier bits of the CK, I thought. And HF, small as it may be, makes some pretty advanced changes of its own. Just follow the tutorial step by step and you will by experience gain the knowledge to build a more advanced follower and from there, ways to add/change dialogue for all types of characters and understand quests (which are at the heart of any conversation in Skyrim). Start small, don't try to run before can walk.

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