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Zombie attack


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Sure *stuck her to the back of the selve and make a wide swoop motion and majority of the lighter fluided when into the cart, then follow her partner out into the truck then said* I like to explore the houses tomorrow.
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Guest deleted1302297
Thats a good idea but the zombies could be in the houses so we would have to be careful. i think we should go and find some better vehicles,maybe a bus, or a hum-v.
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a tear comes to my eye, but i whipe it off snd start to walk down the long cave tunnel


10 mins later: i come upon a small prison type of place but the door was blasted open. i take the ammo n guns n head back. noticing its getting late i zip up my hoodie and leg it as fast as i can to the jeep storing everything i found. i drive off as i start to here zombie screams coming from not so far away.


20 mins later: i arrive at the base i take everything in and dump it on the floor and say" the zombies are coming so i guess we need stay quiet and wheres the rest of the gang" as i then go and sit down and drink a bootle of water and have some spaghetti.

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Guest deleted1302297
Me and Angela arrive back at base and in a hurry I grab the chainsaws and head inside. Yelling to the rest of the survivors,"There were more than a hundred of them in a field not far from here! We better be extra careful tonight!"
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Age: 18

Appearance: Lean but strong, tall, 6' 2" (odd that I'm the same height as someone), loose long brown hair (think George Harrison on the Beatles' "Let it Be" album) and blue eyes.


Weapons: Scottish Claymore, French Revolution Era-Rapier, 50 Cal. Black Powder Rifle

Skills: Woodsman skills (Boy Scout before the infection), Antique Weaponry [i'm couning the "woodsman skills" as 2 because it's a rather general description but their only useful in certain situations so I don't consider it worth 3]

Clothes: Orange and grey Merrel "Vibram" hiking shoes, light-weight olive-green nylon cargo pants that zip off at the knees, green hiking socks, and a black, short sleaved underarmor shirt, black underarmor hoodie. Also carries a blue and grey backpacking pack filled with food, ammunition, water purification supplies, survival kit, first aid kit and some camping gear.


Driving a hotwired school bus (only easily hijacked vehicle around) with my arm out the small driver's window holding my claymore onehanded I cut a swath through the zombies in the field while doing donuts, I notice some people in a fortified position and deside to continue mowind down the zombies until they're all down then I coast up to the base exchanging my sword for a couple golf clubs lashed together holding a white flag. "Hello all, name's Zeph, pardon my messing up your field and mowing down all your company but I'll bet you didn't much care for them anyway eh? I believe I overheard something about moving to a more defensible position? I know of a farm in good condition, it's up ontop of a steep hill, and I've got all we need to dig some trenches and make some palisades. There's about a year's worth of non-perishable food for 10 people assuming you eat 3 square meals a day a piece, a well completely seperate from the infected stuff around here and there's even a generator and electricity! So do all of you wanna tag along and set up a more defensible position?"

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That sonds good but im not in charge, Anton is the leader and its really up to him but i say its a good idea......



off: ummm i stay up all night and sleep all day so im never on in the day :mellow:

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Age 27, dark brown hair, mail with a katana, driving a modified Hummer first "models" found in a near by mall, with added protection that sort of thing. Help, with a few friends found at the mall, but unfortunately they didn't make it. The mall is covered in zombies, trying to get out of town, cars and fire all around blocking some exits.


Driving wildly with my katana sticking out the window, slashing some zombie heads, oh with a shotgun on the seat beside me.


Trying to find survivors as well.

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