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Mods not being recognized


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Hi there. I've been playing DAO on my computer for over a year now. I'm a big fan of the way Mods enhance or change the experience. I started a new game the other day and I went to add a new mod (the Booster cheat items) because I mostly just wanted to play through the story. But instead of working, when I went to start the game it told me that my DA Launcher was missing. I was able to start the game from Origin directly, but when I went to resume my game, it told me I didn't have the right mods installed and gave me a list of mods that are still sitting in my override folder. I've confirmed all the missing mods are still installed. I've used DAModder to restore a backed up version of DA. Nothing seems to want to work.



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Ok, something's going on but there's not enough info to tell what.


I don't use DAM, and never have. So can't say if that's part of the issue here. But regarding the DALauncher, yeah, EA removed it from the game (via an "update" using EA/Origin) starting back in August 2013. (They did the same thing with the DA2 and the ME-series Launchers.)


First, if you have a desktop shortcut that you used to use to start the game and it brought up the splashscreen, that's won't work any more. It is possible to get it back, but not really worth the hassle (unless you're as OCD as me.) You can simply create a new shortcut with the "Target" being the game executable: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe".


And you can still adjust the various config options by starting the DAOriginsConfig.exe program in the same folder directly.


Second, if something about the missing Launcher really is interfering with DAM, (or your mods generally) you can fool your system into thinking it's still there by creating an empty (zero-byte) file with the right name, "DAOriginsLauncher.exe", in the right folder, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age".


Third, I don't think the missing Launcher is connected to the missing mods. Removing it should only have had an effect on the start-up shortcut.


So... need more info. :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem!


I started Origin today and it did some minor update. Then my DALauncher was gone and so were all the mods I have downloaded, apart from DLCs. They are still somehow present in the Addins folders... just not in the game.. :sad:


Also, for some reason my profile on social.bioware is not getting linked with my game, and keeps saying "Unable to connect to the online storage server." (profile diagnostics, screenshots etc.)



Haven't been able to get it to work...

Edited by Cahir Mawr Dyffryn
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