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Humble request: For the love of Mara, someone fix the horrid marriage


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As we all know the marriage system in skyrim is Poopywhappers, it's just a money/food income, this is supposed to be a Roleplaying game for the love of Stendarr, where is the roleplay and the immersion when the game offers you to get married and then "BAM" nothing...


What is the point of getting married then, yes I get it a sell point, marketing, etc. But come on, for those who we really want a real immersive experience someone fix the Marriage system please :sad:


If I had the knowledge and time to do it I would gladly work on a massive overhaul for the marriage systen adding radiant quests, etc, hell even if I have to make the spouse's voices too (tough that would be disturbing :B) There are a bunch of other people that also posted the same as me, and they get nothing, come on this is 2014 not 2004 a mod like this can actually be done.


I understand that there are obstacles (time, real life, work, lazyness, etc, etc) but no one has even tried to fix it as a whole, that mod of To have & Hold of whatever just allowed you to marry more people (more gold *EJEM*)


If you don't believe me, here is the proof that this is being asked for a loooooooong time:





Hats off to this brave soul, may he enjoy eternity in Sovngarde and drinks mead endlessly with the heroes of old for making this mod:




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Fortunately for you, that is one of the ideas I'm tackling. It's in my to-do list, but I'm unsure to when I'll be able to get to it. I have a few other mods and projects I need to finish, and such a busy schedule these days. It ought to lighten up in half a year, then I can get really busy making mods! :D


Three campaigns, armor mod, follower mod, marriage mod (Cultural Marriage mod for that. A wedding per culture). Fun stuff. The marriage mod should be quick and fun. Think I'll get to that one first, actually. Later on, I'll need to address the issue of Families... There are so many ways that can be expanded, and its super easy to do it in the Creation Kit. XD



So, Cultural Wedding mod is in the planning stages, as is a Family Mod. No time estimate on when the latter will begin production. :/

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Ha! :D Well at least this is progress :DD

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