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Help with _sk.dds files

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Need help with texturing. I can do a dds texture complete with normal map no problem. I can't find out what a _sk.dds file is. In FallOut 03 they are used everwhere, most are about 32 X 32 in size and completely black. What are their function and how do you make one for a custom texture. I have made female hands with long finger nails in the Blender, retextured them in GIMP and installed them in the game. They look and work great, except for the black girls have white girl hands. the only texture file I am missing is the _sk.dds file so I figure this is the problem.Anyway I need help with this one, so someone please tag a post with a fix on the issue.


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I haven't had any personal experience with this problem, but I believe the _sk.dds files are used to mask out what parts of a model should be consider skin for the purpose of dynamically assigning skin tone through the game engine. I think the reason the _sk.dds files are all black is because the only vanilla objects that actually use _sk.dds files are objects that are all skin and as such don't mask away anything in neither RGB or alpha layers.


In any case, I'd check if the shader assigned under the BSShaderLightingProperty block is set correctly to Sader_skin - it seems hat while your texture files are working, the game does not know that it should treat the object like an actualy skin object and instead just applies the standard diffuse shader. If you are still having problems, I can recommend taking a look at the WastelandClothin01 model and specically the Arms04 node in Nifsskope - it applies the skintone shader without actually using a _sk.dds file.


Sorry I can't be of more specific help, but I hope this will put you on the right track to solve the problem.

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Hello; got your post; wasn't the problem, although the setting was wrong, corrected the setting to shader-skin, did not correct the problem. went to looking at next line in Block Details, BSShaderFlages; found the third option was incorrect setting for hands, changed this from "SF_Shadow_Frustum" to SF_Window_Enviroment_Mapping" this corrected the problem.

I then reloaded the meshes and textures and ran them in game and everthing is "most ricky tick". I now have female hands, smaller than the man hands of vanilla game, with long red painted nails. They look really great especially in the first person mode when holding a weapon. Thanks for all the help.



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Hello; got your post; wasn't the problem, although the setting was wrong, corrected the setting to shader-skin, did not correct the problem. went to looking at next line in Block Details, BSShaderFlages; found the third option was incorrect setting for hands, changed this from "SF_Shadow_Frustum" to SF_Window_Enviroment_Mapping" this corrected the problem.

I then reloaded the meshes and textures and ran them in game and everthing is "most ricky tick". I now have female hands, smaller than the man hands of vanilla game, with long red painted nails. They look really great especially in the first person mode when holding a weapon. Thanks for all the help.




Good to hear. It's great when something you've made actually works like you want it to. :thumbsup:

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