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Yellowish Body to Neck Texture or Mesh Issue

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I've been having what a lot of people have been having, this Yellowish texture issue between the body and neck. I've done some looking around to see what could be causing it and if there were any ways to fix it via mods or patches. Seeing there's no direct topic on the matter, at least that I can find. I thought I'd create one to help focus on solving this issue.


I do use quite a few mods, mostly just gameplay .esp adjusting mods, because the vanilla version of FO3 is just fine for me, as far as clothing and armor in my opinion. I don't have any of the body altering or re-texture mods and from the very first time I installed Fallout 3, I instantly noticed that my character's body had this yellowish tint to yet the head of the character looked normal.


I'm not one for the nude mods or much of that nature, but I did like the BABE MK3 mod that was created cause it kept it PG, for lack there of a better term, and used it a lot along with the clothing mods made for it. Having more shapely women following you around is nice, hah. But anyhow I couldn't help but notice that weird Neck to Body yellowish tint.


I wouldn't even go as far as saying its a modding issue, because this happening occurs on the vanilla version of the game. I've uninstalled the game completely, deleting all ties and remaining files or folders for Fallout 3 and reinstalled the game and patched it to 1.6. Without modding or changing any thing to game, I got in and went through the beginning and once out of the vault, I took a gander. Same exact frick'n thing. I'm not sure if its graphic card related or some sorta strange setting or an SLI issue that the game has. Whatever, its too common to be happening and yet there's just as many people who don't have it happening.


So, the overall idea of this. Is there a way to fix the yellowish body to neck "glitch" or whatever one may call it?


If it happens to be hardware specific, I'll post the specs to my machine at the bottom of this post to aid those who might have a solution. Also for those that read this, and you don't have ANY solutions to this problem; I'd appreciate it if we kept the replies to this post down to a minimum. For the simple fact that too many posts can overwhelm and lose the main focus behind the post.


My Machine Specs

--2.8ghz AMD X2 CPU - Has the latest Drivers

--x2 9800 GTX (SLI'ed - also disabled SLI in the bios and removed my extra card, just to see, still does the glitch) - Has the latest Drivers

--4gbs of DDR 2

-- Windows XP Pro 64bit - Has the latest Updates

Note: I typically run at 16:10 1440x900; really no reason to run it any higher.

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in Fallout3 the body mesh and the face mesh are two seperate objects and are lighted as such ingame.


this can cause varying tonal differences between head and body depending on lighting and setting.


mods that alter/replace the vanilla meshes also share this issue, which will only be resolved by a single body/head mesh (ie. never).


each body/face mod creator has to choose between making what they want or matching the neck seam to collar seam.


usually the seam loses.


hence the proliferation of mods that cover them with jewellery, collars, bandanas etc.


the slight tonal difference can sometimes be corrected by opening the console (~or¬) and typing "showracemenu" without quotes then closing console (~or¬),


this will present you with the facegen options again and tonal corrections may be made and saved as before.


(if however, you are having an extreme tonal difference between head and body, it is an update bug, introduced in 1.5 and may be corrected by flagging .esps affected by it into .esms with FO3Edit)


hope that helps.


p.s. by the by, your original post may dissuade further answers.

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Thanks Verbal Earthworm, much appreciated. It does help me understand more of how the textures and meshes work. I just have one last question. Are there any mods out about that try to at least match or get close to the same color? If not its fine. I've done some reading and if one removes or adds this bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 to their FALLOUT.INI under the general category, It will either try to make the body match the face or make the neck up to the lower jaw match the body. It doesn't really fix the "global" yellowing of all character bodies, but helps it make it more tolerable. Again if you have any suggestions or possible tweaks, they're always appreciated; otherwise, thanks for the advice and information.
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