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Essential NPC crosshair icon like in Oblivion


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I roleplay as a kind of morally ambiguous character who is quick tempered and scheming, so I often resort to eliminating arrogant NPCs and doublecrossing people late into a quest.


I liked the system in New Vegas the best, where they would allow almost anyone to get killed, while telling you explictly the names of the quests that were impacted.


But the system in Fallout 3 and Skyrim is the worst: there are essential NPCs, but the game does not tell you which ones, so if you take the risk of attacking an NPC, it can create tons of bizarre continuity issues when they don't die.


Oblivion was an okay compromise in that regard, there were essentials but at least you knew who they were and not to bother roleplaying around them, thanks to the "Crown" icon that appeared when you centered the view on them.


It'd be at least a little help to have something like that.


Thanks for reading.

Edited by masa2009n
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