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Shadows showing through objects


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Not sure if this is the right place to post, but I can't think of anywhere else. I've had the same problem with Skyrim although that seems to have stopped.

The problem is http://imgur.com/UMGAi4o where the shadows of things such as trees and, as in the screenshot, banners. I thought it may be the Overhaul's ambient occlusion, but it still does it even without that. I also checked in the nVidia control panel to see if there was ambient occlusion being run from there, but there isn't. I'm sure other people have had this problem but I don't know what it's called or how to fix it.


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Game engine limitation. You can try using something like MGE XE and turning on real time shadows, which might help but is just as likely not to. Truth be told shadows in games are handled in some very funky ways that creates all kinds of visual weirdness from time to time. Most efforts to fix one problem end up creating another, usually significant fps loss, and usually don't cover all other issues.

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