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How to modify Furniture Marker?


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I am trying to make my NPC sleep at certain spot, and I really need to make it that the NPC will sleep right where he/she is, instead of going through the preset furniture markers.


In other words, when I look at the furniture markers in construction set, there are two blue figures. I think the one standing indicates where the NPC and Player will start the animation, and the blue figure that is lying down is where the sleep will occur. Now, I really need a way to modify it so that the two blue figures, the standing one and the one lying down, are as close to each other as possible (if they could overlap that would be the best.)


I don't see anything that lets me change it. In Nifskope you can't change the distance between the two markers, while in Blender you only see a bed. Please help!

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I am not sure if I understand the question. There are ways to make one particular NPC sleep in one particular bed even if the room is full of beds. I could help you with that, if that is the sort of problem you are having.


It sort of sounds like you are trying to make an NPC stand on top of the sleeping spot, and lay down exactly where he was standing. If that is what you are doing, it is definiately not my field. It would require creating new animations, a difficult field akin to modeling. There may even be some things which the Oblivion game engine does not support. As the oft-quoted line goes, "Modders cannot add anything to Oblivion which is not already there in some form or another already."


So I guess what I am saying is that you probably need to be working with animation software instead of just modeling and texturing software. I am in so deep I don't know what I am talking about.

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Well the furniture markers are somewhat of a misnomer. when you place a bed, bedroll, chair, bench or anyother piece of furniture the furniture markers that appear are not actually part of the mesh, they are their own mesh not visible in-game that are used in the CS to enable animation structures and show the user where they CAN NOT place objects or will ruin the animations. As David said, you will need to create new animations and possibly new furniture markers. So I suppose I'm just reitterating David's sound solution and elaborating on the reasoning.
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I was thinking that maybe I will need to recreate the animation so my hope wasn't very high. The thing is I really need to figure out a way for the animation not to be interrupted in anyway because I do plan on putting things around the beds. The only solution I have so far is deleting the items' collision around the bed, but even so the animation still messes up quite often. Thank you!
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