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Fallout 3 + Harverst Moon 64

Tony the Wookie

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just started on some of the new furniture I want to make


I want to have the carpenter sell a lot of stuff, and if possible, I want it to be able to be used for your Megaton or Tenpenny house as well


once I get to texturing it I want to make it look like really worn leather, but I just wanted to post a start to see if anyone thinks this is the direction I should go style wise


(it is also still missing the wooden feet...)

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I could always use help on that


I just didn't ask because I know moddelers arn't the easiest to come by, and I know that I can make a lot myself


but the more new models the better, two people working on it means twice the new furniture, or it would just give me more time to fine tune since I don't need to make as much



And as small of a thing as it may seem, haveing some fresh furniture in the game as apposed to the same chairs and couches found in almost every house in the wasteland, will do wonders for the overall look of things


plus, I wanted this stuff to be a bit cleaner and less grimy than the vanilla stuff... still old and warn, but less dirty, just to give it a more home like feel (well, they will have dust, dirt, scratches, and tears, just not looking like a Super Mutant threw up the person he ate for lunch all over it)



the chair above was done specifically for the Mayors house, but I will probly do multiple textures, black leather for the mayor and something less bussiness like for some homes



I really don't know much about 30 and 40s furniture, so if you have any good references it would be cool if you could send me some, otherwise there is always google

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im far from a fashion designer, but what do you think about Ann and Maria


don't hesitate to criticize my designs, I just threw those together as a starting point to see what you guys thought, they are far from a final version of the character


I was trying to keep things simple enough that I could still model it without much trouble


I also have some more screenshots of my couches











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that is where texturing comes in


i am going to have old worn ripped leather


like this, but about 5x worse




or this




right now it is just a mesh with default material on it


and I can always tear it up as needed, since it is 10x easier to break something than it is to fix it, I could quite easily put some huge gashes or delete some cushions or break the whole thing in half





I can't beleive I forgot the glasses.... I feel stupid now...

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  • 3 weeks later...
brainstorming time w00t!


We'd also likely have to make some plants and flowers. They would be unique since they would be the only green growing things in the wasteland, aside from the oasis. Perhaps she guards some secret plant juice that makes things flower and grow. (bigger quest?)




Cropped the quote for brevity. But the Greenworld (?) mod has plants already. And for flowers, there is already a bouquet of flowers at one of the grave in Arlington Cemetery that could be used as a model. First time I saw that I wondered how it got there and who was visiting the place after 200 years.



As for farm placement. You run across a failed farmstead on your way to the Republic of Dave. The one with a comp with a journal. A diner nearby is a raider base, guessing they got raided. Big empty space, near edge of map that should be good for a new village. Or Invade the Republic of Dave and take it over as a quest, after doing Shot them in the Head, of course. I developed a real hate on for Dave right away, so that is where that, probably, irrelevant idea come from.



Spaghetti on a wall






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  • 2 weeks later...

In my current playthrough, I came across some places I thought could be settled.


I noticed the NW Seneca station (with the Ultra-Jet ghoul) and Jury Street Metro station.

Both contain a few buildings one can place stores, settlers and whatever else you need and both (especially Jury) have a bit of space around them that can be used for expansions or farm/animal pens.


It got me thinking that there are probably more places like that and that, one could make a quest where a group of settlers get you to help them settle at one of these places, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Follow up quests would expand the town beyond the initial settlers, adding stores and other things to your advantage.


Perhaps use of these type of assets could be to your advantage. Less work on building everything anew.


Possible quests could be to convince the caravans to stop by your town or help people start up some sort of business.

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