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TimeCREED banned.




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Piracy of Skyrim.


TimeCREED, on 26 Jan 2014 - 03:10 AM, said:


hi! all


k so i just wanted to restart playing skyrim...had uninstalled this looong back coz of the lengthy game and had already finished the main story line and at that time i used to install mods manually and dont really remember but used to use a software to install it which might be similar to the ones used to install mods for fallout 3 (its very blurr memory)


i wanted to mod skyrim again but since i dont remember at all that how i used to mod then so i installed nmm and went according to instructions and downloaded through nmm and activated through nmm but the mods never did show up in the game...!!


take for eg: i installed the skyUI through nmm but the UI in the game is still the very same !??! :'( same with the footprint one and so on...


i downloaded the 13GBs walmart version torrent of the game so i have the version and it does say the dlcs are included though i have (dont know) any way of saying the game version or if the dlcs are actually included...


and that brings me to another question: how to know what version is my game and which dlcs if any are included??


please lemme know if after downloading and activating a mod through nmm is enough (and it is then why arent the mods activated in the game?...what step am i missing or doing wrong or so??) or if i still have to manually place the files (in which case nmm is a waste of time)


please do lemme know ASAP






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The downloadable WaLMaRT version is the actual name of a specific pirated version. Evidently made from the ligit legendary disk version that is available for US $60 at Walmart stores in the US. If this idiot actually paid anything for this he got ripped off.

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