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Laser RCW Not working correctly


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Hi all, I hope everyone is well. I installed Aks and AR15s weapons pack by Heffy, mostly to get the animation replacers in order for Exciters Magpul ACWS pack to have the reload animations, now the vanilla laser RCW is FUBAR. In first person view, the laser does not emerge from the barrel, it comes out to the right. It works fine in 3rd person, and all other weapons seem to work fine in both 1st and 3rd person views. I uninstalled Heffys mod, and that fixed the problem, but now no animations for the Masada ACRs. I'm not running any other animation packs, Heffys was the first one I tried. Anyone else run into this? Are there any other animation replacers that work for reloading animations for Exciters Magpul pack? Thanks in Advance.


Edit: Ok, I found the problem, I went through the 1st person animations until I found the conflict and resolved it.

Edited by AtomicNord
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