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Death mod


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Very simple idea for the mod.No F5 and no quick save.

Death in the game is final.

Also possible changes to the weight of everything in the game.

Survival is almost impossible.

Once in a while will be autosave so you won't have to start the game all over from the start.

Also changes in bellistics and all gun damage.Hit in the head is always fatal.

While using meds you cant shoot-your hands are busy with meds.Bleeding brings death if not


Illness from the dirty water and bad medicine and food makes you weak.Your hands are unstable.

You cant hit anything with your weapon-your hands are shaking.Blurry vision and other stuff.

And more....

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  • 4 weeks later...

I actually play like this without the mod. Seriously punishing to get to level 30, die from a fall, and start over from the beginning. But, death is death, right?


Try it like this. With some discipline, you won't need a mod. The game is so much more fun this way.

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