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Creating my own soundtrack for vegas.


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I've begun recording my own soundtrack for vegas to bring a about a slightly different atmosphere, but I need a little information on the music.


I've been wanting to do this for a while, I see that due to the nature of the vegas music engine there is a disturbing lack of music mods for vegas, which is a shame because after putting hundreds of hours into the game, the music gets a bit samey despite having a great soundtrack!


It's difficult to simply slot custom music tracks into the existing files to still get a good smooth music flow in the game so I am creating my own original soundtrack from scratch, because I really want to (despite the monstrous task this is)


1) I need to confirm the dungeon track meanings for low mid and high. I assume they refer to threat level, I have recorded 4 out of the possible 8 dungeon soundscapes so far (12 different tracks)

As for public locations, for example, caesers legion there is low mid and high for day and low mid and high tracks for night, as they all sound quite similar anyway... what do these refer to?


2) I need changing the sound that plays when combat begins etc, I understand there must be some way to find the files in the GECK, however is there a file that can be placed in the music directory to overwrite the existing sound? For example if you change the UI and VATS sound effects. How do I find this directory?

Edited by neptuneuk
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