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I request an interesting mod


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I would like to see a mod were it would shows up in your SkyUI menu, were when you pick a Religion to choose from it gets registered. It let's you keep track of what religion you chose and that other Npc's would recognize that too so that they won't attack you if you are a part of their religion. Also, it can allow you to have a discount at a shop if you are of the same religion.



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link the discount to the god amulet that the PC is wearing, and you'll same yourself an MCM


nice idea though

Right, it shouldn't be hard to make. All the mods they're making now and days would be a good project to work on.


A good example is to walk up to the statue shrine and touch it so that after it heals all of your diseases then it will register you as that Religion. The same can be applied to the other Npc's so that if you are opposite of theirs then you can approach them to talk, taunt, or convert them based on your Speechcraft skills.


If you go to a shop, if you're the same Religion of the shopkeeper then you'll have a certain discount. if not, then you can convert them if your Speechcraft is high enough so you can get a discount that way. Also, depending on your level of Speechcraft skills while your Religion is different or the same, the discount will adjust accordingly.


I would love to see certain discounts for the senior citizens.

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