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It'd be sweet to add some start trek stuff to FO3 if you could i have a list if its possible..........


*A flyable starship with with photon cannons and possible intercom you hear{like saying Target eliminated}

*A way to enter the starship with a deungoen and crew

*some food replicators

*a small storyline to explain what its doing there

*Unique weapons and armor from vendors on ship

*a sideqeust with borg sabutoers

*some klingons on the starship if possible (IDK if i spelled it right but they are the wierd pointy forhead person

*a small borg base


These are just ideas, even if you did just two of these things it'd be great,ty

Heres the link to the website




Please do this, ty

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  • 9 months later...
Yeah, good idea, Im surprised there hasnt been more Trek stuff done. Which Enterprise would it be, TOS, TNG or Voyager? I cant see the ship being flyable though. How about the ship has crash landed and cant take off again until certain tech components are scavenged from the Wasteland by the crew, in order to make repairs. The quest could be to accompany Spock or Data or Tuvoc as a 'native guide' as they search. Once its all been collected, the repairs are made and it takes off, leaving the player with an assortment of Trek tech.
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Curious... The enterprise would be a large undertaking.


I recommend making a basic ShuttlePod from the NX01 Enterprise maybe.


Then work your way up.


Surely a shuttlepod that can fast travel you to the inside of the Enterprise would be a lot easier than building the ENTIRE ships exterior =/ That would be hard.

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