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Name Your Horses/Fixed Horse Names


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Okay! So, something I've been looking around for, but couldn't find, was a mod that essentially lets you name your horse, or more preferably any horse you want.
This is a bit of an issue for me because Vilja's horses name is Bruce I believe, while my horse is called [Player Name]'s Horse and my other companion's horse is named Faendal's Horse (thanks to Convenient Horses.
When I talked to the stableman at Whiterun, he told me about the horse he had for sale, and how it was named Queen Alfsigr, or Allie for short, but also said "I expect you can name it whatever you want when it's yours."

This struck me as pretty cool, and I actually really wanted to name my horse Allie, since I find it a little easier to get attached to things when I can name them (see nicknaming Pokemon), but if naming horses is impossible, then I'd at least like it if there were a way to have the horse's name default to Allie instead of [Player Name]'s Horse?

(Note, I did see that renaming horses was possible in the Convenient Horse Herding mod, but it was very buggy and used a dialogue system, I tested it out, but I don't want to use a heavily scripted mod just so I can name /one/ horse.)

((Edit: I also tried installing Convenient Horses, renaming my horse, using StopQuest CCHorseHerding to stop the scripts, then uninstalling it, but stopping the quest also changed the horse's name back to Horse.))

Edited by Lukezkee
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If you use convenient horses (not the herding add-on), then I've dropped a request to the author for the feature. If we are lucky, it will be in the next update. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14950/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D14950%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D644821&pUp=1


i've had a reply from CH,


Not gonna happen. Naming is sole reason for making it separate mod.

Edited by Lupus590
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