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Could someone help


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I took a pair of boots from one outfit nif and put them on the male leather armor nif. I did a bone weight copy to the boots and have everything lined up. When I put it ingame all I get is the pipboy and the rest of my body is invisible. I`m a little confused because I could mix and match armor body nifs and armor parts and it would be fine. With fallout3 I am having no luck and I guess what worked for oblivion body meshes dont work in fallout unless I am skipping another step needed to make them work properly.


Anyway, I have the outfit nif setup and was wondering if someone could attach it to a skeleton for me so it works correctly ingame. I`ve tried bone weight copies, importing parent skeletons, apply scale and rot and the whole nine yards that worked for oblivion bodies. Could anyone who knows what they are doing with bodies get my nif working for me?

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